Hungary Visa Types
The Hungarian entry permits can be classified into the following categories based on the purpose of visit and the duration of stay.
1. Hungary Tourist Visa - This category is for travellers whose primary motive is to take part in tourist activities such as sightseeing, leisure activities, adventure activities, etc.
2. Hungary Business Visa - With this permit, you can travel to Hungary to take part in business-related activities such as meetings, conferences, etc.
3. Hungary Visit Visa - This type is issued for people who have been invited to visit their family members or friends living in Hungary.
4. Hungary Cultural/Sports Visa - This is for people who are to take part in cultural events or sporting events for a short duration.
5. Hungary Study Visa - These are issued for academic individuals who are visiting the country to take part in short term studies, training, research and other educational activities.
Hungary Schengen Visa Required Documents
As per the requirements, the following are the list of documents required for Hungary visa for Indians. These are, however, the list of general documents that are common for all the categories. For more specific document list as per the individual category, kindly check the requirement for the individual types.
Ensure that you carry all the original documents to the appointment as you will have to show them to the respective officials. However, you must submit only photocopies of most documents as you will not receive these back. Also, for certain documents, you may require to translate them into Hungarian language and certified.
Hungary Visa Photo Specifications
The Hungary visa photo specifications are as follows
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